WE NEED HEAT! The rain on the weekend of the 20th caught the vineyards up, and now we need heat. We are still running 2 weeks behind due to the cool and dry weather. As a farmer, yes, vineyards are farming, we need a long, warm, dry fall. Obviously, it will be a late harvest and ALL of the grapes will come in the last week of September & the first two weeks in October.
HARVEST IS QUICKLY APPROACHING. Email us, and tell us you want to participate. Get ready for home cooking in September! You pick. We prep family foods, and you enjoy family food and wine after a MN morning harvest. Take home a bottle of our wine and a full tummy after a morning of playing (er... harvesting) the grapes.
Email & let us know which Saturday (Sept 26, Oct 3 or Oct 10th) morning you want to help make world class wine! You might even see another balloon over the vineyard one fine Saturday morning.
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